Kamis, 21 September 2017

Expertos en nutrición: óptimo peso bajar solo 4 Kg en el mes ayuno.

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Expertos en nutrición: óptimo peso bajar solo 4 Kg en el mes ayuno.


Jakarta, con la excepción de culto, ayuno de Ramadán en movimiento es de hecho también puede ayudar a disminuir el sistema de dieta de cuerpo que está trabajando. Pero ten cuidado, según los expertos en nutrición hay límites de peso dieta óptima mientras que la disminución durante el ayuno. Profesor Departamento de nutrición Poltekkes II Yakarta, Rita Ramayulis, DCN, MKes, transmitir si la pérdida de peso es fácil de hecho una vez hacia arriba o hacia abajo en el bln. el ayuno. Bien, según Rita, para querer el bien no ayunar cuando el Dieter perder peso 4 kg más más. Cuando kian mas 4 kg en preocupado sobre el futuro después de bln. badan rápido efecto conferir como queriendo restaurar el principio de consumo. Por lo que hacen algunas células eran mucho más en sintonia con el deseo de comer, dice Rita cuando contactó el miércoles y fue escrito detikHealth (07/02/2014). Rita explicó que si algunas células eran mucho más en sintonia con tu apetito porque hay argumentos no más externos, este comando mueve la pregunta en la religión, que prohíbe a comer. Dando como resultado, por lo que puede solo apetito que aumentar tanto. Por lo tanto, mewanti-wanti para que cada persona que ha bajado con éxito su peso durante el ayuno para configurar emocional comiendo. En el sentido de no poder comer tanto como sea posible sólo porque no tiene más restricciones que prohíben comer. Sin embargo, él es optimista que si hacen una dieta saludable durante el ayuno no tendrá un apetito muy grande aunque bln. el ayuno se ha completado. La razón, la Agencia no ha tenido la costumbre de hambre ya durante el día. Porque con un mes de no comer durante el día, así que cuando el tiempo posterior no ha ayunado durante el día también debe ser un apetito que no muy bien, dijo. (ajg/up)


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Sabtu, 09 September 2017

Houden van het gewicht van het lichaam, zodat het teveel tijd niet ook zwanger met stap

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Houden van het gewicht van het lichaam, zodat het teveel tijd niet ook zwanger met stap


Jakarta, voor zwangere vrouwen, extra calorieën nodig tijd zwanger vaak veroorzaken op de verhoging van het gewicht van het lichaam ook. Hoewel het primaat van het lichaamsgewicht voordat je zwanger of lichaamsgewicht te rijden de tijd zwanger kan lelijk, niet alleen voor aspirant moeders, maar ook op de baby. Volgens de Amerikaanse Centers of Disease Control en Preventionâ €™ s zwangerschap risico beoordeling Monitoring system, wordt steeds meer dan 30% van de vrouwen die normaal lichaamsgewicht hebben voordat getting zwangere risicoweging heeft blijft ook teveel tijd zwanger. Deze situatie kan leiden tot bloed en aandringen op het toevoegen van diabetes gestasional. Er is ook een hogere kans voor natuurlijke miskraam, de baby is geboren in een toestand van dood, of de omstandigheden waarin de baby via de keizersnede geboren zou moeten zijn. Moeilijk op te sporen van een baby wanneer zijn moeder in een staat van obesitas was of overtollige lichaamsgewicht te, zei Dr. Alyssa Dweck, een verloskundige en gynaecoloog, zoals ontleend aan Fox News, dinsdag (21/5/2013). Alle arbeid, natuurlijke risico's voor de bloedstolling, infectie en problemen beheren verdoving ook dus hoger. De studie wees erop, de vrouwen van uitmuntendheid lichaamsgewicht wellicht ook problemen borstvoeding. Buiten dat, kan lagere lichaamsgewicht na de bevalling heel moeilijk worden genoemd. Baby's geboren zwaarlijvige moeders zijn dat meer scheve lichaam gewicht excellentie zou ook later. Niet het licht of was het omdat ze dezelfde maaltijd routine met hun moeders of gewoon te wijten aan de toegevoegde gen, Melinda Johnson, iemands dieet expert en woordvoerder van de Academie van voedings- en dieetleer hadden. Zwangerschap d.w.z. de montage voor de aanstaande moeder om te beginnen met het leren van de routine, omdat de grote speelt in de routine van hun de gezondheid van kinderen, hij bleef. Hier is de stap om uw lichaamsgewicht te beschermen zodat geen overmaat van tijd toevoegen ook, dus zwanger: 1. Tekuni pedomannya met baikMenurut Dweck, wanneer eerst hebt u het primaat van het lichaamsgewicht, dus de daling in lichaamsgewicht betekent niet noodzakelijkerwijs de meest belangrijkste langs zwangerschap. Dus in plaats daarvan, volg de elementaire toename van het lichaamsgewicht van de zwangerschap, op basis van de body mass index (BMI) index van de lichaamsmassa. 2. consumeren genoeg vitaminUntuk verzekeren krijgt u een totale voeding prenatale vitamines, consumeren montage met 1 milligram foliumzuur, ijzer en Docosahexaeenzuur (DHA). Een zwangere moet ook een goede 1. 200 mg calcium zo goed als 600-1. 000 mg vitamine d. 3. Controle van het dieet van de belangrijkste seimbangSangat voor het regelen van zijn dieet tijdens de dag om het beschermen van uw macht evenals bloedsuikerspiegel blijft stabiel. Johnson verwees te eten van elke 2-4 uur, afhankelijk van hoe honger je bent. Geen probleem om te volgen van het gevoel van 'hunkeren', maar probeer te concentreren op een kavel van fruit, groenten, granen, eiwit zonder geen vette en magere melk. 4. Wees niet sancties voor overleg met de deskundige inhoud wanneer u zorgen over gewicht of dieet tijdens zwangerschap, goede selekasnya werken op overleg met artsen of diëtisten voelt voordat je zwanger. Omdat volgens Dweck, zwangerschap niet de tijd om te beginnen een oefeningsprogramma is. Maar als u in een toestand van zwangere vrouwen, moet je ook een overleg met je verloskundige. 5. u wordt niet het aantal timbanganApakah op de niveaus houden stijgt elke week zelfs als u hebt geprobeerd zo hard zien? Niet worden angstig, volgens Johnson's gewicht je lichaam maakt niet uit wanneer je gezonde levensstijl keuzes, zoals vaststellend het aantal voeding en lichaamsbeweging te maken. Wanneer vrouwen volgen het advies, zegt ze kunnen het vermijden van stress, Johnson. (vit/vit)


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Senin, 04 September 2017

The unique habits of Albert Einstein who could be Healthy Inspirations

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The unique habits of Albert Einstein who could be Healthy Inspirations


Jakarta, those who have an IQ or intelijensia level above the average are usually also have a strange habit. Call it the founder of Apple, Steve Jobs is fond of wearing black sweaters in a variety of occasions. According to experts, a habit that they have this is not simply a habit. A new study calls the 40 percent content of a person's brain is determined by its environment. That means a daily habit that owned a person impacted strongly on his brain, both in the formation of its structure as well as the mindset in question. Talk about genius, there's no harm in us looking custom owned physicist Albert Einsten. It could be that by following his habit, our brains will be honed as his own. So what kind of habit that owned Einstein? Following his speech he as reported on BBC, Thursday (22/6/2017). Read also: the brain, the Researchers Said an analysis of Why Albert Einstein's genius is 1. Sleeps 10 jamTidur indeed is said to be good for growing brain swell. But Einstein reportedly slept until at least 10 hours in a day. Reportedly, one of the ideas from the theory of the transition from the name Einstein, relativity theory is said to arise when this guy was dreamt about cows are disetrum. But is it so? During sleep, the brain of a person entering a series of cycles in the first minutes of 90-120. This cycle started from a light sleep, deep sleep and phases associated with dreams, REM (Rapid Eye Movement). But 60 percent sleep less than this BRAKE on phase (phase of non-REM sleep). According to Stuart Fogel, a neurologist from the University of Ottawa, the non-REM sleep is characterized by the emergence of rapid bursts of brain activity called ' spindle ' for events when viewed from the EEG, this phase is shown in waveform which pivots moving zigzag. Interestingly, the more ' spindle events ' occur, it indicates that the question has a more intelijensia liquid (fluid intelligence), the ability to solve new problems, using logic in the face of new situations and identify patterns, the type of intelligence who owned Einstein. This phase is in no way associated with other types of intelligence, such as the ability of the given facts and figures, Fogel added. On the other hand, Einstein was also a regular NAP. A recent study proves that sleep at night for the ladies and a NAP for men alike can improve the ability to solve problems. And incidentally, improved intelligence on these people is associated with the ' spindle events ' in their sleep phase 2. The way kakiSaat still working at Princeton University in New Jersey, Einstein accustomed to walk as far as 2 kilometers or more when home and away. He followed the custom of other geniuses, such as Charles Darwin, who reportedly spent as much as three times 45 minutes every day to walk. These habits not only aims to improve the fitness of the body, but there have been many that prove that walk to improve memory, creativity and ability to solve problems. Especially if the way her feet done outdoors. Ask why? Walk is said to be able to dampen the activity of one part of the brain, namely the frontal lobes are known to play a role in determining memory and language ability. It turns out that in this way, the brain can adopt the mindset of an entirely different from the usual, which then trigger creativity.






Photo: thinkstock






Read also: this explanation is People Wear clothes Like Genius ' it-it ' Just 3. Eating spaghettiSuatu when Einstein once said that one of the things she liked from Italy is spaghetti. But what to do with the genius of Einstein? The brain is known to spend 20 per cent of energy in the body even though it weighs no more than 2 percent. Though it is said that Einstein's brain just weighing 1.230 grams or less than the average brain weight i.e. 1,400 grams. But basically the brain prefers ' fuel ' of simple sugars such as glucose, or derivatives of carbohydrates. Because the nerve cells in the brain needs a continuous supply and it can be filled quickly by sugar. Unfortunately, the brain has no mechanism to store energy so that when the ' fuel ' of glucose they ran out, then brainpower will also decrease rapidly. Leigh Gibson, Faculty of psychology and Physiology from the University of Roehampton said spaghetti could be ' fuel ' of the brain is good but cannot be consumed in excess. Research proves the carbs are beneficial to the body that was just as much as 25 grams. More than that, the ability of your brain that will become its victims, he explained. 4. Do not use the kakiSaat young, Einstein discovered the fact that the big foot will make holes in the socks. From there he was determined to stop wearing socks. Even then he preferred wearing a sandal strap belonging to his wife, Elsa custom did not wear socks at a glance has nothing to do with Einstein's genius. But a number of studies showing how to call this a dress casual Einstein. How to dress casual but is associated with a low level of performance of the brain in the mindset of the abstract. On the other hand, in accordance with Einstein's intelligence type who rely more on a logical way of thinking. Apart from that, Einstein once told in an interview with Life magazine in 1955. The most important is don't stop asking questions; because there must be a reason why curiosity is there, he said. Read also: 5 Nyeleneh Characteristics that the Genius (lll/up) jual smart detox di jakarta selatan


Minggu, 03 September 2017

Tempo di allenamento in attesa di stare lontano da bambino troppo di peso corporeo in eccesso

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Tempo di allenamento in attesa di stare lontano da bambino troppo di peso corporeo in eccesso


Oslo, donna incinta, a volte come un pigro esercizio dovuta alla paura della cosa di senso uno con la sua gravidanza. Anche se l'esercizio effettivo necessario per evitare la gravidanza il bambino è nato con un peso corporeo molto eccessivo e ottenere i neonati sani. Ricercatori in Norvegia hanno precisato quando le donne incinte che lavorano con regolare, ha la possibilità di dare nascita a più piccoli bambini con peso corporeo di molto eccessivo. Questo genere di cose non dipendono da quanto esercizio che diakukan che la mamma incinta prima. Le donne che partoriscono bambini con corpo eccessivo peso estremamente nel senso di avere un peso corporeo di makin più 4 kg o 8 chili, nessuno ritiene che cosa è lunga, rischioso ha un certo numero di complicazioni. Opportunità di fronte la donna che è naturalmente forti emorragie dopo il parto e ha una probabilità di obesità si sta grande tempo a venire, ha detto Dr. Katrine Mari Owe da scuola norvegese di Scienze di Sport, come prese da Reuters, mercoledì (23/09/2009). Questa ricerca coinvolge 36. 869 madre con gravidanze di unico nato, sulla base dei dati dalla madre norvegese e studio di coorte di bambini così come il medico nascita del registro di sistema di Norvegia. Fra le donne incinte sono stati segnalati per essere donne che esercitano almeno 3 volte a settimana dopo l'età della sua gravidanza afferrato 17 settimane, riducendo le probabilità di dare alla luce bambini con peso corporeo molto eccessivo del 25%. Centrale delle donne che esercitano almeno 3 volte a settimana dopo l'età gestazionale di 30 settimane, riducendo le probabilità di dare alla luce bambini con corpo eccessivo peso molto pari al 22%. La quantità di esercitare quel cambiamento non incinta primo diakukan il peso del corpo del bambino al momento incinto. Esercizio di dare alcuni ricercatori un diakukan tutto incinta può contribuire ad evitare un feto crescere così grande, attraverso passaggi contribuiscono a rendere la forza protezione Agenzia marca contenuto di zucchero nel sangue è stato risolto. Passeggiata che esercita il più sicuro fare le donne in gravidanza. Se si dispone di zuccheri nel sangue e diabete per tutta la durata di una gravidanza che è il lato più grandi opportunità avere bambini con peso corporeo di molto eccessivo. Fino ad oggi non esiste alcuna norma che è certamente nel fornire fiducia quanti esercizio richiesto da donne in gravidanza. Dato il brutto effetto che può essere dovuto se un bambino è nato con un peso corporeo di molto eccessivo, così buono è consigliabile farlo così che incinte le donne che esercitano regolarmente. Di stare lontano da complicazioni del parto e il bambino così obesità più tardi.

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Jumat, 01 September 2017

Study: So Someone Can Create A Body Weight Of Mr. Guy Ride

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Study: So Someone Can Create A Body Weight Of Mr. Guy Ride


Jakarta, not just some of the new mother, the father can also be natural also overweight in other words increased body weight after having children. The disibakkan in one study. The study, carried out by a team of researchers from Northwestern University, Chicago, said if someone could make a father so men so fat. Be retrieved if the man with the way important natural goals of adding the weight of the body on some of th. early after their first child was born. So instead, the team also discover if man had no children even the natural decrease in body weight. But the results of the studies already published in the American Journal of men's Health can be stated if the increase in body weight that if not controlled properly so it can put a man on the high risk health problems partly. If not monitored, increased body weight it makes some risky new natural father of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, said study leader, Dr. Craig Garfield, as taken from the Daily Mail, Wednesday (22/7/2015). Even though we have not yet found the cause certainly from interwoven on the addition of the weight of the body as well as the new role as the father, but Garfield convey change life patterns leaning played. You have new responsibilities when having children. Just maybe you are leaning so not have the time to manage your own such as first, for example in the matter of sport. Beyond that, the father also generally also like using some former food her son, Garfield added. In this study, Garfield did research on 10. 253 American men since the start early teens until they reach for age early 30 yearly. Be retrieved if the new guy so Mr. natural increase in average body mass index (IMT) a number of 2, 6 kg/m2. Read also: caution! Eating foods high in fat Can create ' Hooked ' Lho (ajg/up)